Infinity Statistics Initiative

About the Initiative

The Infinity Statistics Initiative is a project led by Khepri and HeadChime. Its aim is to collect and publicly display information about Infinity games.

All data involved in the project is taken from games registered to Infinity's Official Tournament Manager (OTM). The advantage of this is that the project collects all recorded competitive matches. The disadvantage is that the project will also collect games that are incorrectly recorded or that involve custom rules, and bundle them in with the rest of the data. One final issue is that many individuals do not submit their lists. In these cases we know that a game has been played, but we do not know one or both of the factions involved. This is shown by the Unknown Faction entry within the data tables.

When using the Infinity Statistics Initiative to analyse the state of the meta, please do be cautious about drawing firm conclusions, particularly when it comes to faction power rankings. Whilst a great number of Infinity games are played every year, the individual number of games recorded for many factions is quite low. In these cases, we simply do not have enough information to be able to say if a faction's winrate is more likely due to its relative power, or whether it is due to a small cohort of players (who may be particularly skilled or unskilled). A factions relative position compared to the average winrate is likely more useful than any concrete ranking structure.

Contact us

We welcome feedback and suggestions! Contact us on the IGL Discord server, in the #khepri-tools channel.

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